Uncensored….You know all media is not the same. When I started the Aquarius, A Sign of the Times, it was in a different time. In 1993 we were (the Metaphysical/Holistic Community paper, and was still thought of as an evil force, well that may be strong language but in some circles that was how we were under valued to say it mildly.

Also, print/writing is what you or others write, and there is no emotion associated or high or lows in the voice to emphasize how you are feeling.. but as the reader you interpret how you assimilate the information..In other words, during my time as a publisher I would use…(dot, dot, dot) yes thats … as a pause, or a place that I’m expressing feelings. In the newspaper/print world you learn to be careful what you write because there is no rebutal. Its there black and white.

BTW, this drove my friend and proof reader Caroline crazy when she edited me every month. I had …’s everywhere.

Except for this blog, that I’m hoping to post daily, I am happy that I’m moving on from print media. I’m happy that I can be me..and stop worrying that people won’t get my drift, besides that I want to be more authentic. I’ll try not to drop the F bomb and I’m not a rude person, so I’ll always treat people right and all that, but this feels like a good media for me… We will see won’t we???

I’m an high energy person (so there Donald) and I am looking forward to speaking my mind, voicing my opinion openly, and hearing what others think.  I wish sometime I was the person that thinks things through, that knows what my show’s are about and what I’m going to say ahead of time, but that’s just not me. Who will be invited to co-host with me, etc. will be a mystery to me too most of the time. The truth is I may not know until the hour the show starts… I will say this, I trust the Universe and promise everyone that takes their precious time to tune in will get what they are suppose to get, and hear what they are suppose to hear. That’s the beauty of life…the universe provides us with and guides us to the very thing we need to grow. We are constantly getting messages and some of us have developed a sharp intuition. We will cover all these subjects on the show at some point…

I hate structure although I have enjoyed my (#4 year) more about that later. I will fit in a reading or two on the show…

I’ve been doing numbers for 30 years..but not much time to engage and go deeper, or do many reading because it wasn’t my mission., and I didn’t have time anyway. Now I’m back behind the bar at LeBistro in Roswell. “The Psychic Bartender” imagine that…I kid my two  boss ladies that I play behind the bar, but I’m there to do reading..and I Love It!!!

Come by Harmony Place for a live show and to participate or just offer support, or call in (646) 787-1862 Thanks, Gloria